I admit, it took me more than one year to write a new post, but this post begins a new chapter in my writing life. My thoughts lead me to say "President who?" I mean, what person has the correct qualifications, capabilities and caliber to lead our country. Will this person be a visionary who sees beyond the current state of affairs toward a better America and can deliver changes? All too often both political parties vow "they will change Washington DC." Living in the D.C. area I have one word to that: "Hogwash!" It has never happened. Also, also things are promised, but people forget in the heat of emotion that a U.S. president is not a magician--he/she cannot snap their fingers, things go "poof" and suddenly things are better. They have to work with the other two branches of government -- the legislative (Congress) and the judicial courts in order to hopefully see some or most of their political promises come true.
But, I'm going to share with you how you CAN change Washington: Start in your communities. Work with community groups, with churches, with young people, elder adults, young families, help your friends. Be there for others. Gandhi said, "Become the change you want to see". Well, I am going to say this instead: "Become the Catalyst that excites others to WANT to change for the better." When you help a person, even when what you have to say is true and it hurts, it does make a person think--you might have just saved their life and not realized it. Being a Big Brother/Sister, or being a teacher, a minister, a good parent--all of these make for a better America. We cannot change ALL of America at once--we have to start at that part of American we can change--the place where we each physically stand. Look around you--do you see good around you, or is it all bad? Are there things that can be improved upon? If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem and frankly, that is NOT the American spirit. What made this country is the cooperative nature our predecessors had to make it happen. They did it long before the phone, automobile, train, cell phone, computer, typewriter, steam engine, the incandescent light bulb, refrigeration, air conditioning, airplanes were ever an idea to be invented. Their ingenuity has been passed down to us. Can you think of a time in your life that someone made a huge difference in helping you grow and be a better person, a better citizen?
Now, returning to my original question. Voting for a president and on down the line to our state and local leaders helps us hire individuals who we believe want our personal best. We have to seriously learn about each candidate's personal views on issues--ignore the attack ads and do your homework. Research them for yourselves on respectable websites. Learn about who they are first as a person. You have to get past the slick, re-polished, fabricated image you see on television and the internet. In order to vote, you have to make an informed decision for yourself--NO one else can, will, or should do that for you. Voting because you like what little you learn about them in your evening news is not enough--you have to become an interactive voter. Please don't wait until the primary elections in your state of residence or at the polls in November--it is too late then. Start now (January, 2012) reading about them. Ask yourself the following question:
1. Will the candidate I read about truly live up to his/her words spoken, and why? If I don't feel comfortable with the answer, why not?
2. How much background history do I possess about the candidate, their political beliefs and how they arrived at them? Does this candidate mesh with my own political beliefs?
3. Is the candidate sincere and completely honest (now, that's a twist!) in all they say?
4. Are they being realistic in their campaign promises they are stating they will accomplished if elected?
5 . What are your doubts and reservations about the candidate, and why?
6. Finally, will you be able to sleep at night after they are elected? Remember you have to live with your voting decision.
Notice that no actual candidate was spoken about here. That is not the point of this blog. The point of this blog is to give you suggestions, ideas and tips to help you in your decision-making. Use your freedom to think to lead to your freedom to vote. If you follow these steps you will reach the epiphany moment when you will know who you want for president.