Sunday, February 12, 2006

America the Poor....

Oprah Winfrey showed a startling show in September 2005 regarding the 37 million (yes, million) American citizens who live in poverty in this country. Knowing poverty existed here as nothing new; but the depth and extent of it was shocking--nearly 20 percent of this country's total population. Too many jobs are "leaking" away to other countries. Too many people hear what they "can''t" have or that they are not eligible. Doesn't it seem the political pendulum is swinging toward punishing people who can't get jobs, who need help the most? Our government sees fit to fund every other country, to fight every battle worldwide, but it is unable to fight for its' own citizenry who are seeing less and less benefits. Women and children are bearing too much loss so that the wealthiest are "blessed" for being filthy rich. Equal opportunities and equal justice seem to only exist if a person is affluent. People say they believe in "family values", but if they cannot afford a home, cannot feed themselves adequately or well-enough, or even have a job to go to, then saying the phrase "family values" is hollow, empty, and devoid of real compassion and caring. Patriotism is not complete if we don't take care of all our people. Our tax dollars need not be for a space mission to Pluto, or for a sports stadium. If we can come up with monies for that, then all that money can feed, clothes, house, and provide for every citizen first. We must stand together to make a statement that we want every person cared for, fed, and create better social services that help all in need. Charity should begin at home.

1 comment:

pdburk said...

Charity should begin with those people who care. Can the government "care"; can the government give you a hug?

"Poor America"...? That's an oxymoron.

FACT: If you can, even on some days, go home and throw a few pennies into a jar you are among the top 5 percent of the richest people in the world.

We Americans are so rich, we don't know what we do have. We take SO much for granted. Even those who are our poorest among us have SO much more than most of the world.

Time to go help our neighbor a little. Maybe consider that Asians are our neighbors, too?

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